Since 2015, the Tamale Teaching Hospital has suffered the heartbreaking loss of 15 children due to a scarcity of pediatric dialysis machines and supplies.

The months-long shortage of these vital medical supplies has compelled medical personnel to make do with adult devices, endangering the lives of extremely delicate patients.

In an interview, Adam Yahaya Wanzam, the Nurse Manager of the Tamale Teaching Hospital Dialysis Unit, made a fervent appeal for help, pleading with the government, private citizens, and non-governmental organizations to come forward and offer the critically needed life-saving supplies and equipment.

“We have lost over 10 to 15 children who were supposed to receive dialysis,” Wanzam regretted. “But for a lack of pediatric machines, we were improvising with the adult machines, and the adult machines and consumables are not for children. The deaths rate recorded dates back since 2015 to 2023.”

Wanzam went on to say that the effects of this shortage are terrible for the relatives of the children who have died as well as for the children themselves, who are going through unspeakable suffering.

“We are calling on individuals and Non-governmental organisations to come to our aid by helping us acquire these pediatric machines and consumables so that when an innocent child finds him/herself in this situation, the Tamale Teaching Hospital Dialysis unit can be able to rescue them.”

Source: Marzuuq Issah |


By Marzuuq

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